JFrog Security Research

Cutting Edge Security Research to Protect the Modern Software Supply Chain

Our dedicated team of security engineers and researchers are committed to advancing software security through discovery, analysis, and exposure of new vulnerabilities and attack methods.

Software Vulnerabilities

Latest from JFrog's Security Blog

Software Vulnerabilities

Latest vulnerabilities discovered by the team

JFrog security researchers and engineers collaborate to create advanced vulnerability scanners, built on a deep understanding of attackers' techniques.

We use our automated scanners to help the community by continually identifying new vulnerabilities in publicly available software packages and disclosing them.

Malicious Packages

Latest malicious packages disclosed by the team

Given the widespread use of open-source software (OSS) packages in modern application development, public OSS repositories have become a popular target for supply chain attacks.

To help foster a secure environment for developers, the JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular repositories with our automated tooling, and reports malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community.

  • twitter
    xiedemo - an infostealer
    pypi <1k total downloads
    Published on 31 May, 2023
  • twitter
    pipcolorv6 - an infostealer
    pypi <1k total downloads
    Published on 31 May, 2023
  • twitter
    pythoncryptov2 - an infostealer
    pypi <1k total downloads
    Published on 31 May, 2023
  • twitter
    networkfix - a malware dropper
    pypi <1k total downloads
    Published on 31 May, 2023
  • twitter
    pyfontslibv2 - an infostealer
    pypi <1k total downloads
    Published on 31 May, 2023
OSS Tools

Latest security OSS tools released by the team

When new software security threats arise, in many cases the time to respond is of the essence.
JFrog安全research team supports the community with a range of OSS tools to identify such threats in your software quickly.

  • openssl_req_client_cert
    决定了客户是否真实ation is required by the SSL server, in which case servers based on OpenSSL 3.0.0..3.0.6 will be vulnerable to CVE-2022-3602 & CVE-2022-3786
    Published on 2 Nov, 2022
  • scan_vulnerable_openssl_code
    Finds binaries with a statically-linked version of OpenSSL. Specifically the tool diferentiates between OpenSSL 3.0.0-3.0.6 (vulnerable versions) and 3.0.7 (fixed version).
    Published on 2 Nov, 2022
  • text_4_shell_patch
    Looks for the vulnerable ScriptStringLookup class in the commons-text jar given and disables the lookup() function, effectively patching the vulnerability The tool can also patch (disable) the vulnerable DnsStringLookup and URLStringLookup funtionalities
    Published on 2022年10月24日,
  • scan_commons_text_versions
    Recursively searches for the class code of StringLookupFactory (regardless of containing .jar file names and content of pom.xml files), and attempts to fingerprint the versions of the objects to report whether the included version of commons-text is vulnerable.
    Published on 18 Oct, 2022
  • scan_commons_text_calls_jar
    Locates the calls to the vulnerable TextShell functions in compiled .jar files, and reports the findings as class name and method names in which each call appears.
    Published on 18 Oct, 2022
The JFrog Detection Edge

The JFrog Detection Edge

JFrog安全research team is part of the group behind JFrog Xray, enhancing its unique vulnerability database and utilizing patented technology to quickly detect unknown security issues in both open source and proprietary code.

The JFrog Detection Edge

Report Vulnerabilities Discovered in JFrog Products

Thesecurity and qualityof our code is a top priority for JFrog. If you find a vulnerability or any other type of security issue in one of our products, please report it to us immediately. Security researchers may be able to participate in a bug bounty program and earn rewards for their findings.

Learn more about how to report a vulnerability >

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