Hybrid Multi-Site Setup
For large game studios software development has moved from the realm of highly localized teams to a collaborative endeavour of large teams at global scale. This global collaboration requires an architecture for managing software artifacts and deployable packages that is also global in scale. Artifactory is the only binary repository manager offering multi-push replication, allowing you to simultaneously replicate a local repository to multiple, geographically distant target sites. This critical capability supports geographically distributed teams sharing the same repositories and development pipelines, and enables smooth geographic failover and fast recovery in the event of a disaster. Since replication is asynchronous, the process is fast, minimizes the time during which repositories are not synchronized, and does not incur any slowdown in responsiveness.
High Availability
玩这样一个CI / CD过程中的核心作用,the JFrog services can become mission-critical components that any downtime can have severe consequences. JFrog services can be configured for high availability with a cluster of two or more active-active nodes on the same local area network (LAN). With a clustered architecture, the JFrog services maximizes your uptime and can take it to levels of up to “five nines” availability. The redundant server architecture enables non-disruptive upgrades and allows your system to accommodate larger load bursts with no compromise to performance. With horizontal server scalability, you can easily increase your capacity to meet any load requirements as the organization grows.
Enterprise Scale Solution
Most game studios have a need for managing artifact data varying from a few terabytes to petabytes. JFrog services offer a variety of options for storage, and allow complete freedom to combine different storage solutions to meet the needs of enterprises at any scale. Artifactory supports a variety of enterprise-scale storage capabilities including S3 Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage and advanced filestore sharding to provide unlimited scalability, disaster recovery, and unmatched stability and reliability.