Secure Cargo Registries
Universal Cloud Native Solution
Enterprise Ready
Today JFrog Artifactory natively supports Cargo registries for the Rust programming language, providing complete control of your deployment and resolution of Cargo packages.
A Cargo registry can be used to proxy remote Cargo resources and cache downloaded packages. Secure your packages usinga local Cargo repositoryand much more.
According to theRust Foundation, “Cargo is Rust’s build system and package manager. Most Rustaceans use this tool to manage their Rust projects because Cargo handles many tasks for you, such as building your code, downloading the libraries your code depends on, and building those libraries. (We call the libraries that your code needsdependencies.)”
Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language focused on safety and performance, similar to C and C++. Rust is fast and memory-efficient with no garbage collector.
The easiest way to get Cargo is to install the current stable release ofRustby usingrustup.Installing Rust using rustup will also install cargo. To install Rust and Cargo,follow these steps.
Yes, you canbuild Cargo from source.
Cargo is a smart client that allows you to build, run and test your projects. Here are some helpful Cargo commands that take you through a typical workflow(these commands may be run with verbose [-v] or very verbose [-vv] mode):
$ cargo build
$ cargo run
$ cargo test
$ cargo doc
$ cargo publish
Cargo’s syntax and methodology are pretty straightforward. Learn more about TOML andmanaging Rust packages with Cargo here.
A Rust crate is either a library or an executable program, referred to as a library crate or a binary crate.
Everytargetdefined for a Cargopackageis a crate.
The term crate may refer to either the target's source code or the compiled artifact that the target produces. It may also refer to a compressed package fetched from aregistry.
The source code for a given crate may be subdivided intomodules.
The Rust community maintains package registryfor distributing open-source packages. As a Rust programmer, you’ll rely on this growing public library for most of the core services of your applications.
For uninterrupted speed and consistency of your Rust builds across teams, use an Artifactory remote repository to proxy
A remote repository in Artifactory serves as a caching proxy for a repository or registry managed at a remote URL. There will be no difference between the contents of the remote repo and the native source.
Learn more aboutdeploying Rust packagesto a production system and sharing the application with other users.
You can get even more functionality and features out of Cargo by combining it with JFrog Artifactory as a Cargo registry. Learn more aboutsetting up a remote repository proxy for
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